5 Low Calories Foods for Weight Loss

There are many low calorie foods that may also support weight loss. If you’re looking to lose weight while still feeling satisfied, consider adding oats, Greek yogurt, and other high protein or high fiber foods. One of the most challenging dietary changes to make can be reducing calorie intake. Many low calorie foods can leave … Read more

10 Low-Calorie Fruits and Veggies to Shed Pounds Fast

Because fruit is sweet and contains naturally occurring sugar, many people assume that it’s associated with weight gain. However, research consistently shows that eating fruit supports healthy weight management. Several published studies have found that increasing the daily consumption of whole fruits is inversely tied to weight gain, meaning that the more fruit is consumed, … Read more

Eat to Beat Cancer: Foods That Fight Cancer

The life taking disease Cancer is also called as malignant tumor in medical terminology.  Cancer is nothing but an abnormal cell growth which spreads to other parts of the body.  Not all tumors are spreadable.  Benign tumors do not spread to other parts of the body.  Symptoms of Cancer: Above are the symptoms of cancer.  … Read more

12 Shocking Side Effects of Sitting All Day

Most of the people spend time by sitting at their desk during work time. Sitting long time is the requisite to make their work fast. But this is the serious issue that bathers in plenty of ways. Humans must free their muscles, then only the blood circulation will increase and they can do all their … Read more