Top 10 Best Foods to Eat When You Are Constipated

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Many people feel much difficulty to empty their bowels wholly and regularly. They think about how they can heal this constipation problem. They get bowel movements less than three times per week. If you are a beginner to constipation, then you may do not aware of the symptoms of illness. The main symptoms of constipation are feeling unable to empty the bowel, stomach upset, loss of appetite, bloating, and stools appearing lumpy, hard, or dry. It is the appropriate time to find out the leading causes of constipation like the diet low in fiber, digestive system related health problems and side effects of some medications.

Individuals who experience chronic constipation these days think about how they can consume the best foods and heal this health problem without any adverse side effects. They experience a sensation of incomplete evacuation, passing stools less than thrice per week, hard, straining, and lumpy stools and feeling blocked and unable to give a seat. The severity of constipation varies from person to person. A slow movement of the food through the digestive system leads to illness. You can focus on the following details explaining the best foods for constipation.


A medium-sized fruit pear, about 178 grams weight, has 5.5 grams of fiber content. Pears are rich in fructose and sorbitol when compared to other fruits. Fructose ends up in the colon and pulls in water through the osmosis for stimulating the overall bowel movement. Sugar alcohol sorbitol in pears acts as the natural laxative as it is bringing water into the intestines. You may think about how to include pears in your daily diet. There are different methods to include pears in your regular diet. You can cook pears along with cheese, add pears in salads, baked goods, and savory dishes. You can also consume the pears in the raw form.


Apples are known for their several health benefits and recommended by healthcare professionals worldwide. One medium-size apple about 182 grams weigh with skin on has 4.4-gram fiber. There are 1.2-grams soluble fiber and 2.8-grams insoluble fiber. This soluble fiber is in the form of the dietary fiber known as pectin, which is quickly fermented by bacteria to make short-chain fatty acids. These fatty acids soften the stool, decrease the gut transit time, and naturally heal constipation problems. Pectin has the best stuff to increase the movement of the seat via the intestines and enhance the constipation symptoms.


Prunes are dried plums and recommended for those who seek the natural remedy for constipation. Prunes are rich in fiber and other essential nutrients. For example, 2 grams of tissue available in 1 ounce dried plums. If you include the prunes in your diet, then you can get a good improvement in your digestive system and throw out problems associated with constipation. Keep in mind that a daily intake of fiber enhances the overall health and assists everyone to be healthy for a long time. Cellulose is an insoluble fiber in prunes and used to increase the water content in the stool.


Healthcare professionals recommend the kiwifruit for those who seek how to get various health benefits from the daily intake of fruits. There are 2.3 grams of fiber in 76 grams of kiwifruit. This is a 9% fiber percentage of daily consumption. Individuals who consume the kiwifruit get an improvement in the frequency and ease of defecation. The best elements in this fruit soften and maximize the bulk of stools. If you consume two kiwifruits for a couple of weeks, then you can get spontaneous bowel movements and reduced laxative use.

Citrus fruits

Mandarins, grapefruits, oranges, and other citrus fruits are the best sources of fiber and refreshing snacks beyond doubt. Soluble fiber pectin in citrus fruits accelerates the colonic transit time and minimizes constipation. A flavanol naringenin enhances constipation and assists everyone to be healthy. This flavanol maximizes the fluid secretion into the colon, which leads to the laxative effect. Individuals who consume fresh citrus fruits can get the maximum fiber and Vitamin C content. They can include grapefruits in their salad and oranges and mandarin in their handy snack food list.


Figs provide the best way to boost up the fiber intake and aid in healthy bowel habits. A medium-sized raw fig has 1.6 grams of fiber for about 50 grams of the total weight of fig. There is a 7.3-gram fiber content in 75 grams of dried figs. Sufferers of constipation can include figs in their regular diet. This is because the first-class elements in the figs maximize the stool weight and reduce the overall intestinal transit time. Figs also speed up the colonic transit, alleviate the stomach discomfort, and enhance the stool consistency. Ficain enzyme in figs is the same as actinidin available in the kiwifruit and used to enhance the bowel movements.

Chia seeds

Fiber-dense foods such as chia seeds give loads of health benefits to everyone who consumes it in their regular diet. Keep in mind that 28 grams of chia seeds contain 10.6 grams of fiber. There are 85% insoluble and 15% soluble fiber content in chia seeds. Chia forms a gel when it comes into contact with water. Chia seeds in the gut soften stools and make stools easy to pass. The versatile nature of chia seeds assists many people worldwide to include them in different foods like a smoothie, veggie juice, salad dressings, dips, desserts, baked goods and cereals, yogurt, and oats.

Beans, peas, and lentils

Pulses like lentils, peas, and beans are fiber-packed foods and recommended for successfully improving the overall constipation symptoms. A cup of cooked navy beans has 19.1 grams of fiber and covering 80% daily recommended fiber consumption. A good mixture of soluble and insoluble fiber in pulses alleviate constipation by adding weight to stools and softening stools for facilitating passage. You can include legumes in your diet in different ways, like add them in salads, ground-meat dishes, and healthy dips.

Sweet potatoes

There is the right amount of fiber in the sweet potatoes. People who suffer from constipation problems can consume sweet potatoes and alleviate constipation without complexity in any aspect. A medium-sized sweet potato has 3.8 grams of insoluble fiber in the form of lignin and cellulose. There is also soluble fiber pectin in the sweet potatoes. Insoluble fiber present in sweet potatoes aid in the bowel movements. They add both bulk and weight to stools. You can get less straining and discomfort when you gradually consume sweet potatoes during the constipation problem. You will get the best benefits as expected.

Spinach and other greens

Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, and spinach are rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, fiber, and folate. These greens correctly add bulk as well as weight to stools to pass through the gut. There is 17% of the daily recommended intake of fiber content in one cup of cooked spinach. You may think about how to be successful and comfortable in your approach to add greens to your diet. You can add tender greens or baby spinach to your salads and sandwiches to boost up the overall fiber content in the body.