8 Best Low-Calorie Fruits for Women’s Health

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7. Watermelon

Calories: Approximately 30 calories per 100 grams

Vitamins A and C, a hydrating, low-calorie food, watermelon can be good for overall health when ingested as food. Watermelon is, in general, good to hydrate and prevent dull skin. It contains antioxidants, such as lycopene, that may lower risks of getting cancer.

8. Papaya

Calories: 43 kcal per 100 g

Papaya consists of vitamin C, vitamin A, folates, and fiber. Among enzymes, papain helps in proper digestion and reduces flatulence or bloating, hence the reason it is a perfect fruit for better-maintained digestive health. The antioxidants in papaya do protect against free radicals that cause skin damage and support a healthy complexion.


You may never know the heaps of health benefits you will be repaying to your body by adding this low-calorie fruit to your diet—from good digestion and healthy immunity to radiant skin and less chance of developing chronic diseases. Eating a mix of these fruits will bring a mix of flavors and distinct nutrition benefits to your plate, adding to a more balanced and healthful diet.